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Our Church

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The Late Rev. Lenwood Cooper

Church Founder


The History

The late Elder Lenwood Cooper being obedient to the voice of God and with the encouragement of his loving wife, the late Mildred Cooper, founded Cooper Temple Church of God in Christ in 1970. Under Elder Lenwood Cooper's leadership, the church membership grew from sixteen courageous saints to a larger congregation of believers who are still a part of this great ministry. It was a decision reached with difficulty and self-sacrifice. Yet, through a prayerful, meditative preparation, the church was organized and the vision was realized despite the obstacles that were placed in its path. 

Cooper Temple Church of God in Christ began with the church’s first service, held on a warm Miami Tuesday evening, February 17, 1970, in the living room of Elder Lenwood and Mildred Cooper. Soon to follow was the first Sunday worship service which was held on Sunday, March 1, 1970. The First Sunday service began with Sunday school at 9:00 a.m., followed by morning worship at 11:00 a.m., and evening worship at 7:30 p.m. For one month services were held in the Pastor's home and during that time sufficient monies were raised to rent a store building in the month of May, 1970. The congregation worshipped at NW 167th Street and 42nd Avenue for two years; there they experienced a great outpouring of God's spirit and souls being saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. One of the greatest revivals Cooper Temple encountered was conducted during that time; after which, the church membership grew beyond expectation. 

Two years later, relying on the God’s guidance and the church's resources—the monies that had been labored for, allowed for Pastor Cooper and the congregation to purchase a building at NW 46 Avenue & 213 Street. While at this location, God moved on the pastor's heart to open a day care to help support the church. The COGIC Day School was opened in 1975, with this opening many members came by way of the success of the day school, where the church remained for six years.
In 1978, Cooper Temple moved to our present site 3800 N.W. 199th Street. The property was leased for two years while the funds were raised to secure it. In 1980, the church was blessed to make the down payment to purchase the building.
In January 1997, God called Elder Lenwood Cooper from labor to reward. During his leadership there were countless souls saved, delivered and Holy Ghost filled. Upon his demise Mother Mildred Cooper was appointed pastor of the church and the Elder Marc Cooper was assistant pastor. She nurtured and cultivated this ministry and placed it in a position for the launch to the next level. Under her leadership, Cooper Temple experienced an even greater move as new ministries were birthed and refined by her unique wisdom in the Holy Ghost. The bible study class and Young People Willing Workers ministry grew tremendously on Tuesday nights. A morning prayer was instituted for the elders, ministers and missionaries. Pastor Mildred Cooper catered to the spiritual needs of the church and allowed everyone to work in their individual callings. She did more in one year than some pastors have done in a lifetime. 

In January 1998, God called Pastor Mildred Cooper home. The mantle now has been passed to Elder Marc Cooper to lead God's people into the fulfilling of the promise. As assistant to Pastor Mildred Cooper, Elder Marc Cooper has had to press to the mark of a higher calling in Christ. Although immersed in music at the time, God had another plan for Elder Marc Cooper. His gift for music allows him to compose God’s word for people in today’s times. 

Since 1998, Cooper Temple has experienced a tremendous growth under the leadership of Elder Marc Cooper. In the beginning of Elder Cooper's pastoral ship it was his desire to build a new fellowship hall, but the Lord gave him a vision to expand the church's territory to build a new edifice that would draw more souls to Christ. Pastor Cooper was also inspired by God not only to expand the sanctuary, but add to the church's name "Upper Room Ministries". The name Upper Room Ministries is an open invitation for individuals to experience that which is spoken of in the book of Acts. In less than four years the membership grew tremendously but, so has the church to a beautiful edifice which was completed in the spring of 2002. 

In 2013, the church opened the Upper Room Children’s Academy Childcare Center. The Academy services children aging from three to five. 

The Upper Room Prayer Call line was launched in October 2014. Many have shared testimonies of encouragement from the morning prayer line.       

The Upper Room Ministries is based on a firm foundation, which is and will always be the unadulterated Word of God. 

The Late Rev. Lenwood & Mildred Cooper

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